Patricia Ann 11/26/22

“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. Matthew 10:16
Several months ago I had a dream about a pack of wolves in the alley behind my house. They were standing watching my house. Some were pacing back and forth. Then I saw them! There came down the street from the east to the west hundreds of wolves running in a pack. It was in the blackness of night, but in the street lights, I could see them. They appeared to have a fierce agenda. They were sent to watch the innocent sheep and lambs, to scatter them as they fearfully run away. Not knowing where to go, what direction to take in the darkness, the sheep and lambs are easy prey for these ravenous wolves!
I pondered this dream for a long time. It was scary to think that there would be wolves watching and stalking me in the alley behind my house and also running through my town.
But truthfully, we have been fore-warned in the Scriptures.
In the Sermon on the Mount, we hear Jesus speaking to the people: Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves (Matthew 7:15).
It is important for us to know that Pastors are supposed to tend to people, just as the Shepherd tends to the flock of sheep, keeping them safe from the wolves that seek to steal and kill members of the herd. The Scripture suggests that the true nature of false prophets will be revealed by their their fruits shall ye know them.
So, take a look and see in today's world and for many years, we have see the truth of God's word being watered down. They don't preach heaven or hell. It's just God is good all the time...and all the time God is good. And what about once saved always saved? Or deliverance in most churches? Surely, a good Christian is free of demons. Just come on in, pay a tithe, join in a song or two or maybe join a committee and get ready to go to heaven. You're good. It's all good. Right?
But, what about the people who need help? What about the lost and dying souls who don't know Jesus? What about those who are poor and don't have money to buy their way into the mega church heaven? What about the rejected and condemned who don't feel good enough because of the attacks of the ravenous wolves, many of who are ravenous Christian wolves?
I am thankful for the dream of the wolves. I am thankful that since that night, God has continued to show me and speak to my heart about His need for us to be willing to go out among the ravenous wolves and protect the sheep, the lost ones and Shepherd them. We have an anointed time, an anointed purpose and an anointed place to take a stand, pick up the sword of the Spirit and declare victory in the darkness with the light and presence and love of our Almighty God.
Yes, there are false prophets all over the place. There are mega churches, and small churches filled with judgmental pastors preaching prosperity and false salvation.
As we are told...
“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. Matthew 10:16
Then I saw them! There came down the street from the east to the west hundreds of wolves running in a pack. It was in the blackness of night, but in the streetlights, I could see them. They appeared to have a fierce agenda. They were sent to watch the innocent sheep and lambs, to scatter them as they fearfully run away. Not knowing where to go, what direction to take in the darkness, the sheep and lambs are easy prey for these ravenous wolves!
My prayer for today is that we are indeed sheep who are wise and innocent, but also brave and bold...armed with the Sword of the Spirit which is the Mighty Word of God and Holy Spirit fire and power. May we be willing to Shepherd, minister and be true leaders in the great harvest of souls for the Kingdom of God.
Love and blessings to All in Jesus' name. Amen.
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