Matthew 8:26 "You of little faith..." He got up and rebuked the winds and the sea
Patricia Ann, Originally posted Monday, May 20, 2019
The day seemed to be perfect for the task we had planned. The weather forecast had called for severe storms with torrential rain most of the weekend. Still, we needed to get this big boat out of the flooded Illinois River and onto the trailer, so it could go home to be restored.
We were in awe when we awoke and the threat of storms had passed. The sun was shining beautifully with a mild temperature in the 70's and almost no wind. It was going to work out perfectly.
Getting this boat home from the river had proven to be a major task over the previous 9 months, as the single axle boat trailer it was sitting on was too small for the boat. The wheels and the axles were incapable of even towing the boat for a short distance to the dock where it could be put into the river. We had waited and contemplated many times of just how to get his boat transferred to the newer, bigger trailer to get it home, so that it could be restored to its original condition.
It's a vintage boat, a 26 ft. cuddy cabin, that my son had purchased to restore and put into the river for recreation. It had proven frustrating that there seemed to be no one available to help with this daunting task, which seemed to be headed toward lifting it somehow on blocks and sliding the new trailer under it. With it being around 6,000 pounds, it seemed dangerous and daunting... and months had passed by with it just sitting on the river lot close to the river.
Then the rains came down and the water started rising in the river. We tied the boat off to the nearest tree, so that it wouldn't just float away. For a long time, the water wasn't high enough to float the boat off of the trailer. As we kept checking every week, the rain continued and then in a short time, the river flooded the area quickly and it seemed to be the opportune time to get the boat.
We finally got some people organized, but the weather forecast was calling for all this added rain. We prayed for the storms to not come and sure enough, the morning arrived with a beautifully clear and bright day. We headed for the river with a small boat and motor to take the guys out to hook onto the cuddy cabin with a rope and easily drag it to the road where the truck and trailer were waiting to get it loaded.
It all seemed to be going fine, until the wind picked up. Instead of easily pulling the boat in the direction of our truck, the little john boat with the guys in it was being whipped about by the bigger boat and going in the wrong direction.
This was not the plan! My older son and I stood and watched helplessly as my younger son, my husband and their friend in the small boat got further away. It brought a sense of panic, as we knew that this could turn into a serious situation really fast.
So what could we do? My older son thought about swimming out to them, but that seemed a terrible idea, so he walked southward along the water's edge. While he walked, I rebuked the wind in Jesus name and prayed for it to stop or at least turn to bring them in the right direction. I am sure the men in the boat were praying, as well. I began walking southward toward my son and was on the telephone looking for anyone with a bigger boat that might be able to help us.
Suddenly the wind stopped! And in the calm of the wind, they were able to get closer to the water's edge where my older son stood and they got the rope around the boat so that it would pull straight. In the calm of the wind, they turned and headed in the direction of the boat and trailer and as we were walking back, I heard my older son say, "Hey, where did that boat come from?" I looked up and in the road behind where we were parked was a big fishing boat with a big motor on a trailer behind a big truck and two big guys. I felt so relieved that God had heard our prayers and answered
them. He had calmed the wind and sent the boat!
We didn't end up needing the bigger boat, but we did need their big truck, as it took their truck and my son's truck to pull the loaded boat trailer up and out of the river. This vintage cuddy cabin boat will one day be restored to its original beauty and be ready for a new season... maybe in time for boating next year.
God reminded me of His word in Matthew 8:26 when Jesus said, "You of little faith... why are you so afraid?" Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the sea, and it was perfectly calm.
And in Mark 4:38-40, when we see:
Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on the cushion. So they woke Him and said, “Teacher, don’t You care that we are perishing?” Then Jesus got up and rebuked the wind and the sea. “Silence!” He commanded. “Be still!” And the wind died down, and it was perfectly calm. “Why are you so afraid?” He asked. “Do you still have no faith?”…
My heart felt somewhat convicted that I had felt panicked in the unknown situation of watching the boat going in the wrong direction, as I felt helpless standing on the shore. But, oh, how I feel so overwhelmed with the goodness of our Lord, as He hears our prayers and comes to our rescue. Just seeing the wind stop and the boat appear were certain signs that Jesus is ever present with us and He had a perfect plan for our safety. Thank you, Jesus, for your beautiful love for each of us, for silencing the wind and for sending help! You are amazing and awe-inspiring and Your love for us is so apparent in all that You do.
My prayer for today is that we take the time to realize that God is in control. When we call on His name, situations change and a new course of action can and will save lives, turning fear into praise and giving God the glory that He deserves. No matter what our situation is, we need to give Jesus the chance to intervene. Trust in Him and know that He is our forever friend who always has our back.
Love and Blessings to all and Glory to God in Jesus precious name. Amen.
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