If the world hate you...you know that it hated me before it hated you. John 15:18
Patricia Ann, Originally posted on Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Today I am declaring my love for Jesus Christ.
I love Him every moment of every day and I thank Him for His wonderful love.
Only Jesus would take all of the burdens and sinfulness of mankind upon His shoulders, so that through a relationship with Him we can live a life different than those who choose not to know Him - those who by choice refuse to accept His existence, His love, His sacrifice.
Those people choose a lost existence. Filled with bitterness, turmoil and an inner void; they inflict their pain, as hatred to those of us who seem to have it all together.
Those of us who walk with our Lord are able to look at others with the same love and compassion that Jesus feels. We seek to minister to the lost. We seek to minister to those who have chosen to turn away from the word of God and to live according to the ways of the world.
The "world" is considered the portion of mankind who hated and slew the Lord. The world has never loved Jesus' disciples. The world despises the word of God, turns from it and condemns those of us who love Him.
Satan is the prince of the world.
Jesus is the Savior for mankind.
He is the Savior for the world.
Mankind has the choice to choose the world or a relationship with God through Jesus, His son.
As He tells us in John 15:18, " If the world hate you, know it hated me before it hated you."
I find myself today taking refuge in this verse of the Bible.
I love Jesus as my Lord and Savior.
I choose Him.
I feel His presence within me, in who I am and the kind of person that I choose to be.
I reject the ways of the world.
I reject the hatred, the bitterness, anger and the cruelty of the world.
I reject the turmoil that falls on the lives of Christians, as they walk daily in a world that hates our Lord.
I reject poverty, disease, sickness of the mind and body.
I reject all things that this world puts on us that do not come from God.
I reject the prince of this world and I praise my Lord, Jesus Christ as the Savior for all of mankind.
I claim all of the goodness that comes from a relationship with our Lord.
I claim all of the gifts our Lord has to offer each of us.
I claim the fruits of the Holy Spirit in my life.
I claim love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
I claim wisdom, patience, health, and prosperity.
I claim boldness to minister to the lost in the world and to share the word of God as it is given to us in The Holy Bible.
It is my prayer that each of us who know and love our Lord, Jesus Christ, will declare our love for him, rejecting the ways of the world and claim all the goodness that He has for each of us. Let us be bold in our walk and strong in His Word.
Although we walk in the world, we live in His Word.
I declare that I will stand by Jesus and walk with Him daily - secure in my heart that before they hated me, they have hated Him.
In Jesus, I take my refuge.
In Jesus, I declare my love for mankind, for the lost and lonely, for those seeking.
Will you join me in declaring your love for Jesus today?
Romans 8:28... And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Blessings to all in Jesus precious name, Amen.
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