A message to commune with Jesus...1 Corinthians 23-26
Patricia Ann
For quite some time now, I have been sharing that God calls all man's hearts unto Himself. But there is one thing I did not realize. Until....
I had just awakened from a night of strange dreaming. Once again, I felt restless. I hadn't been able to shake this oppression that seemed to hover over me for so long. It just didn't seem like life was fun anymore. Where had my joy gone? In the midst of over a year of extreme trial and stress, I felt like I had succumbed to some sort of misery.
Then something happened that has been restoring me unto my Lord. I saw Him standing with arms outstretched to me and I had knowledge of His message to me. "Take this and eat." "Take this and drink."
It immediately quieted me inside. I felt different. A sense of calm that I had searched for, but seemed elusive was
now present.
I cherished the moment and after I was up and stirring about the house, I asked myself, "When was the last time I took communion?" The answer amazed me. I almost don't want to share the time, but I think it had been over a year.
And here Jesus was, ministering to me on this day, calling me back unto Himself and inviting me to commune with Him.
How blessed I am to have Jesus in my life, my Savior who comes to me and invites me back to Himself, to heal me of things that I had selfishly and unknowingly been carrying for so long. Jesus came to heal me of things that He already paid the price for on the day He hung dying on that cross at Calvary. Jesus has already bore every sin, sickness, or disease, physical or mental, and also every torment, trauma and pain that has ever or will ever exist. All that we experience, Jesus has already experienced and taken it for us, so that we might live.
Today, I remain humbled as well as in awe once again of the love of Jesus and that He came to me when I was needing Him so much, yet feeling too oppressed to know or understand my own condition. Yet, He knew and He came. I am repentant to my Lord that so much time went by and I did not commune with Him. I have asked His forgiveness and as I take communion every day now, I am experiencing a wonderful restoration. I choose to commune with my Lord daily now, free of the denominational rules of communion happening once a week, once a month or once a year. I am freely communing with my Lord every day to receive His love and essence unto me through my recognition and reflection of Who He is to me and my relationship with Him.
Jesus has also indicated to me that communion for 40 days in a row is significant to receiving healing. I don't know why exactly. What I do know is that it is an innate feeling that is knowledge I have in the core of who I am. Therefore, I encourage anyone who is seeking the Lord in the midst of a trial, needing physical or emotional healing commune with our Lord daily. His truth is activated in our obedience. From my own experience, I know that I don't want to miss a day of communion with my Lord. It is a quiet moment, dedicated to Jesus, inviting His essence into my life. It is healing, refreshing to my soul and it feeds my spirit.
I am changing daily for the better and I give all the glory to my best friend, Jesus, for showing up that special morning and nudging me to commune with Himself. I am loved. I am blessed. I am made well by my Lord, Jesus Christ.
As I have so often shared that God calls all man's hearts unto Himself, I didn't realize that He too, would recognize my need in the midst of trial and come calling my name.
May I always remain humbled to my Lord.
My prayer for today is that we take off denominational rule and be willing to step into faith communing with our Lord daily as He speaks to our heart to come unto Himself. May we all experience healing and receive His essence into ourselves. May His light and glory shine through us every day. Praise and Glory to our Father in Heaven, Amen.
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