For the love of God will turn all men's hearts to him...
Patricia Ann
I had a dream.
I have been asking Jesus for more dreams of Him.
I hadn't had a Jesus dream for a long time, as I seemed I had been just too busy trying to survive...to get through the last days, months or even years.
But recently I was blessed with this dream...
I, once again, stand in awe of our Lord and in love with Jesus, as He never leaves us. He never leaves us even when we feel all alone. He is really very near.
I woke from my dream at 12:28 a.m. I remember I couldn't breathe very well, like I was congested... but for no reason really,
and my heart was beating fast.
In my dream I was being chased... pursued.
I never really saw who was pursuing me, but I felt at times like I recognized them.
Then I saw what I am going to call two angels. They were large with blue tinted wings. I never saw their faces, only the wings which were so beautiful, as they seemed to carry a voice in the wind... "For the love of God will turn all men's hearts to Him."
The voice was loud and audible and it was as if these angels were traveling with a mighty wind - the mighty voice
of God Himself.
The next thing I remember is that I was being pursued again. I was in a big auditorium or theater. It was filled full
of people.
I remember trying to hide in one of the rows near the middle and I ducked down to hide.
I had someone with me, a family member, I believe who was running with me. As my pursuers got closer, I remember
getting up to run again and I got tired and out of breath, with an intense thirst along with a tickle in my throat. It was
hard to swallow.
Then I stopped.
I just couldn't go on.
I saw a soda/drink machine nearby and I needed a drink so much that I couldn't keep running.
I was thirsty.
Then I felt someone touch my shoulder.
In a panic, I quickly turned and slapped the hand away.
My heart sank.
I immediately felt convicted, dismayed with a new sense of panic!
Jesus was there!
I had just slapped the hand of Jesus, pushing Him away and my heart immediately ached!
What had I done?!
I cried out to Jesus, "I am so sorry, so sorry. Please give me your hand, please! I need you. I want you."
It was then that I woke from the dream.
I took several days to think about the dream, to get further insight from our Lord. And I have been given some valuable insight indeed from our Father in Heaven.
First, I do not know who I was running from, or even why. I just know I was running away. I do not know where I was running to. Where was I going?
Second, I heard Jesus say, "I pursue you, but you turn from me."
Well, that made me think !
I was brought to Revelation 3:20. Most of us are familiar with the Scripture and have even seen the pictures of Jesus standing at the door knocking.
Rev. 3:20 - Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him and He with me.
Third, He tells us to fear not.
In Isaiah 41: 13 our Lord tells us, For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, "Do not fear. I will help you."
As I thought about that scripture, I was taken back to the dream and I realized that it was the right hand of Jesus that I slapped away.
And I became very aware that in the dream, I didn't even think about Jesus. I was just running.
Think about how true this is in our every day lives.
We get caught up in our business, our emotion and chaos and turmoil and we forget about Jesus. We run. We are on the run trying desperately to fix problems that only Jesus can fix.
In waking from this dream, I am fully aware that Jesus was running every step beside me, but only when I stopped for a moment could He reach His hand out to comfort me.
And in my fear and panic, I slapped His hand away.
That feeling of recognizing Jesus is still with me! That feeling of my heart sinking in the knowledge that I had pushed my Lord's hand away.
And I feel humbled!
That was my Jesus, my Savior. He was right there with me and He had been with me all along!
As I found myself thirsty in the dream, we also are called to thirst for our Father in Heaven. We are to hunger and thirst for Him, His word, His love.
I am reminded of that message carried by those angels in the dream, "for the love of God will turn all men's hearts to Him."
Jesus is always with us. He seeks to comfort us, heal us, protect us and love us. He loves to be near us, patiently waiting, running the race with us...
Yet we fear! In our own confusion, we try to do things on our own and sometimes we spend days, months, or even years running. We find ourselves living daily only seeking to survive for each moment.
We don't find comfort.
We don't rest.
We fight. Often in a flight or flight response, we fight others and ourselves. And sometimes we even fight our Lord!
In scripture, we read about Peter who panicked when Jesus invited Him to walk on the water. It worked for a moment, but then Peter lost faith and belief and began to sink...and Jesus was right there with Peter.
What was there to fear?
As humans, we struggle. And although we may have never turned from loving our Lord with all of our heart and seeking to serve Him the best we can, way too many times...
when we have the opportunity to stop and grab a hold of the right hand of Jesus, we push it away.
And for that we should ask... "Forgive me Jesus! I do not seek to spend my life running away from you...only to you."
When we stop running and grab the hand of Jesus... we win!
The chase is over.
We don't have to live a life pursued, but instead live our life in pursuit of our Lord.
Jesus is ready and waiting to take our hand in every situation, to comfort, heal and protect us with His great love. He died on the cross for all sin, sickness and disease, every torment and confusion that ever was and will ever be.
As we are being pursued and running in fear, we can stop and look for that right hand of Jesus.
My prayer for today is that we slow down and stop running. Take the hand of Jesus and start living a life filled with His goodness, His joy and His love.
He really is right there in the midst of the pursuit, the running.
Thank you Jesus for running the race with us, providing us with renewed peace and tranquility.
Love and Blessings to all in Jesus' precious name.
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