Never stop singing that melody of love...
by Patricia Ann June 8, 2024
Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth;
break forth into joyous song and sing praises! Psalm 98:4
Just a thought for today...❤️ When I was a little girl growing up in church, I remember standing by my mom, as the old gospel hymns were sung. To my ears, she sounded like the most beautiful song birds 🐦 that sing praises to God every day. But one day, she stopped singing. It's been many many, years that the song in her heart was stripped away. She is 83 years old now and she won't sing. She won't even listen to the old time gospel songs.🎵 Still, I know that somewhere inside of her still remains that song, that beautiful songbird 🐦 that wants to sing to our Lord. And, as I think back in remembrance of those days when I was a little girl, standing beside her in church, I know the Glory of God filled my heart ❤️ with song... with a love for the old time gospel hymns.
Almost 10 years ago, someone condemned my voice and for 4 years I didn't sing, either. But, when my Lord raised me up and gave me my voice back, His song 🎵 in my heart renewed. And now, I can't stop singing.
I won't stop singing.
As I sit and write this, I can hear the beautiful singing birds 🐦 outside my patio door. They never stop singing from morning til night! The birds sing every day with a joyful noise, a beautiful song! 🎶
It is my prayer for today that we never stop singing. We never stop loving the old hymns and we treasure the good memories of our childhood. ❤️ 🐦 🎵 🎶
Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth;
break forth into joyous song and sing praises! Psalm 98:4
Love and Blessings to all in
Christ Jesus, Amen
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