Written by Patricia Ann

God's word is forever faithful and true. He is the Lord, our God! He is everpresent in our lives. He is Alpha and Omega! He loves us the Most and He is Worthy to be praised day and night, just as the angels in Heaven sing praises to Him continuously.
It is simply true that we must Praise our Lord. It is written all through the Bible that God is to be praised. When we praise God through prayer or singing or simple conversation, He is pleased. He loves having intimacy with us. After all, nobody will ever know us like God does.
His word tells us that He knew us before we were formed in our mother's womb. We already had relationship with Himself. How awesome it is to come to that understanding?
God has not ever been a far away God that we need to be afraid of approaching. God is never too busy for us. He longs to hear our voice, our laughter or our cry. He is our loving Father in Heaven who will reach down and scoop us up in His hands and give us a renewed sense of strength and hope, a refreshing for our souls and a joy filled spirit!
Sure, we often feel like we are not worthy of His love because we aren't perfect.
But, He hasn't called us to be perfect. He knows the temptations and the sin-filled world that we reside in. He really just wants us to love perfectly, with His perfect love flowing through us. He wants us to share His heart, through testimony and ministry.
Did you know that we are all called to be Fishers of men, just like the disciples that Jesus called to walk with Himself?
It's a simple truth that Jesus is the Son of God, sent to the earth to share Who His Father is.
Jesus became a sacrificial lamb. He was sacrificed on that cross at Calvary for the sins of all of mankind for yesterday, today and tomorrow.
And when we have accepted this truth that Jesus is our Savior, we have repented of our sinful ways and have chosen to live our life for and with Jesus, we enter into that beautiful intimacy with God, our Father in Heaven.
My prayer for today is that we simply and truly Praise our Lord.
When we praise God through prayer or singing or simple conversation, He is pleased. He loves having intimacy with us. Nobody will ever know us like God does.
God's word is forever faithful and true. He is the Lord, our God! He is everpresent in our lives. He is Alpha and Omega! He loves us the Most and He is Worthy to be praised day and night, just as the angels in Heaven sing praises to Him continuously.
Blessings to all in Christ Jesus.
And when we have accepted this truth that Jesus is our Savior, we have repented of our sinful ways and have chosen to live our life for and with Jesus, we enter into that beautiful intimacy with God, our Father in Heaven.
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