Written by Patricia Ann

Written by Patricia Ann
Patience. The hard part of waiting...
Patience is defined as... the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.
James 1:3-4, says, "For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing."
We are all aware that we are, and have been living in a world where most everything comes instantly. There is no waiting and self gratification comes easily to many.
People don't seem to know what patience is any longer. Children are instantly gratified with video games and other online activities. Adults are equally led astray.
1 Corinthians 13 tells us about patience and love. Love is patience and kind...but how often do we see people practicing patience, kindness or even love?
It saddens my heart and surely saddens the heart of
God to see people behaving in ways that do not honor Himself.
Are people mad at God for Him not acting fast enough on a prayer, or even at all?
Are people just mad...filled with the ways of the world?
God's word tells us about hearing the prayer of a righteous man.
Do we even know what righteousness is any more in our society? Too often, it doesn't look like it, even in our churches.
Righteousness is defined as a way of life that is all about doing the right thing: righteousness shows great concern for morals and ethics. Righteousness is the way of our Lord.
It is hard waiting for answers to our prayers. It is even harder when we try to figure out and second guess God. He tells us that just a mustard seed size of faith can move mountains! That is incredible for us to understand, sometimes, but it just is!
Patience is the hard part of waiting. It's knowing that the answer is coming...eventually. Patience is maintaining faith and knowledge that God has our best interest in His heart and plan for our lives.
We can patiently trust our Lord...as we await His miracles and Blessings.
My prayer for today is that we don't have to see to believe. We only need to receive ...Him.
Love and Blessings
to all in Christ Jesus. Amen
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